CD release Autumn Girl

CD release Autumn Girl

FINALLY!!! After two years of draining our creative minds, we finalized the CD Autumn Girl. The songs composed by my cousin Stef and arranged by two good friends Alex and Rob resulted in a statement that I’m very proud of. I can’t recall a single moment of hopelessness or any other negative emotion concerning this project even though it took two years to get the job done. Two years ago Stef and I were in the care as he let me listen to some of his homerecordings. One song in particular drew my attention, this also became the first song on the album. I went to Alex, my partner in crime with whom I run the studio. He also was triggered by Stef’s edgy lyrics and before we knew we found ourselves involved in a project that finally would have an ending instead of just creating beautiful tunes with interesting harmonies, rythms and so forth. As for Stef, he plays guitar and writes lyrics, so in that respect you can call him a singer-songwriter. In another respect he has no theoretical knowledge of music therefore, he’s not restricted to any taught boundaries. It was up to us as musicians with more theoretical knowledge to shape the songs in such a way that the songs became musically acceptable to the broader audience without sanding down the interesting sharp edges. If you listen to the album you will be set on the wrong foot every now and then because of an odd beat here and the in some songs. This was unavoidable as it had to match the lyrics, on the...

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